Lesson Summary

Over the last couple of days, we provided you with important information on how to be successful in difficult conversations with your clients.

We have provided you with important information on how to be successful in difficult conversations with your clients. And how you will be able to trustfully help the people in Ghana to overcome vaccine hesitancy and prevent Covid-19. It is in your hands to be positive influential and to have effective conversations with your clients and communities. You have learned how to use your body language and how to awaken will and positive change in other people. You are able to structure a difficult conversation, be an effective communicator and convince people to follow the guidelines. Please use this knowledge in your best way to overcome the pandemic. As more people we are able to convince to follow the rules and getting vaccinated as more likely the situation will come to a good end in the future. You are from immense importance and your dedication is highly appreciated. Keep going and stay healthy and happy. Your Ghana health service and UNICEF delegates wish you and your loved ones all the best.

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