Lesson 10: Body Language

How important and effective a positive body language and honest empathy are for a good conversation.

People subconsciously form attitudes based on verbal and non-verbal signs within a few seconds of receiving them.

In a dispute, someone always loses; so do not become irritated. Avoid technical jargons; use personal examples or similar examples from your own experience. Please remember to pay attention to your voice tone- do not preach but at the same time don’t be too lenient. It is best to be caring and not concerned or worried.

When you use a relaxed body language whilst establishing eye contact, people listen more deeply and acknowledge and empathize with your message. Give people room to mention their concerns, show understanding and give new perspectives on their viewpoints.

A few key points to remember:

  1. Be empathic and show a relaxed body language
  2. Avoid too many technical jargons, it scares people away
  3. Do not preach. Be caring, not concerned and pay attention to your voice tone
  4. Establish honest eye contact without staring

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