Lesson 2: Being Influential

Scientific strategies on how you can be more influential in a positive way during your conversations with vaccine hesitant people.

Evidence suggests that for people to accept and adopt healthy practices, a number of factors are taken into consideration including the ones we are going to learn about today.

People typically receive messages from healthcare providers and other trusted authorities with a high level of trust. Using personal stories of people also helps in influencing the communication process. Another important key is reducing the barriers to the healthy practice. For vaccination, getting the vaccine for free and without hustle has removed a major barrier to the practice of vaccination. Due to the lack of knowledge and negative information which is being spread on social media, there is a high risk of rumors and misinformation spreading. Talking about them is crucial. While being in conversations to convince people, focus on the values and beliefs of the different communities your are dealing with. Point out the individual and collective benefits of the vaccine and do not get tired of assuring them of the safety of the vaccine as well as how effective it is. You can do this by helping them assess the risk and perceived severity of COVID-19 and the benefits of vaccination. Use narratives and personal stories of people who have taken the vaccine and help reduce the perceived barrier by showing that vaccination is free, easy to get, protective and safe.

A few other important points to remember are:

  1. Use your power as a trusted authority. People are more likely to believe your arguments.
  2. Tell personal stories on how your relatives and friends have taken the decision to get vaccinated after your trustful conversations.
  3. Check if the person's hesitancy is based on misinformation or receiving the wrong information.
  4. Focus on the values and believes of the different communities you’re are dealing with.

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