Lesson 3: Effective Communication

What good and effective communication is and how you can use it to communicate positively about the vaccine.

What is needed to convince someone you are talking with and what is most successful during a conversation? All this knowledge we share with you is based on behavioural science. You will be perceived as powerful and trustworthy when you engage the attention of your target audience and show interest in what they are saying. This can be underplayed by smiling, nodding your head and by articulating your message clearly in a way that is easy to understand.

Keep your messages clear and simple and explain technical terms in easy words and if possible, in the local language. It is very helpful to adapt the health messages to the educational background of your target audience and to listen carefully to their feedback. Do not interrupt. Show respect without judging the person's beliefs and pay attention to the nonverbal feedback like gestures and body language.

Finally make sure your message has been well understood and if there is a need for it, you can potentially revisit and clarify any final hesitation your audience may have.

Here are a few points to remember:

  1. Show true interest in what your audience is telling you as well as how your audience is telling you their arguments.
  2. Adapt your messages to the educational background of your counterpart, show flexibiliy when you deal with differences in educational levels
  3. Be respectful and avoid judgement.
  4. Actively use your body language to show your interest in the persons values and beliefs.

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