Lesson 5: The Conversation Frame

How to create a meaningful conversation frame in which you can lead a successful conversation.

One very important thing which leads to a successful conversation is that you build a nice atmosphere and have a plan for the desired outcome of the talk. This is referred to as a conversation frame.

It starts with an empathic greeting where you introduce yourself and describe why it is important to talk about Covid-19. Your client should also introduce himself to feel accepted and well treated. Always be friendly, respectful, and kind. After the greeting phase, gather information on which knowledge level your client is. Ask what he knows already about Covid-19, the vaccination and what he thinks about it. This gives you a good basis on how to best convince him.

Here are some positive examples of how you could do this convincing:

Use the power of your authority: “As a Health Professional, I strongly recommend getting vaccinated against COVID-19. I got vaccinated and recommend it to my clients and my family”.

Provide personal examples or other clients’ stories: “My family and I strictly observe all COVID-19 safety protocols as I’m wearing a facemask to protect my clients and family”. “I treat (or have heard about) a lot of clients with complications from COVID-19."

Rely on your expertise: “I have spent a lot of time investigating this issue and as a health worker, I strongly recommend that you get COVID-19 vaccination”.

After the conversation, close the meeting by asking if everything has been understood or if there is another meeting needed to reassure your arguments are well received.

With these tips and tricks, you will become a role model and create a positive framework for your conversations.

A few key points to remember are:

  1. A conscious and mindful greeting sets the stage for a good conversation
  2. Use the power of your authority, people will value it.
  3. Give personal examples and rely on your expertise
  4. at the end of the conversation check if you have been well understood

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