Dicas úteis para bebés dos 9 aos 12 meses(1).jpg

Playing with 9-12 month old infants

Play to learn


  • Play hide and seek with your infant and see if she/he can find the objects you hide. You can hide it under a cloth, and say: “where does it go”? “Is it still there”? “Can you find it”?

  • You should see an increase in your child’s curiosity and willingness to find out what happened to the object.

  • Tell your infant the names of things and people you are referring to.

  • She/he should show interest and soon will try to make relationships between words and objects or people.

  • Show your child how to say things with hands, like “bye bye”.

  • Soon, your child should try to imitate you and wave “bye-bye” on her/his own, making a relationship between a movement and a vocal expression.

  • Point to the eyes, nose and mouth on a doll. After showing one part on the doll, touch the same part on yourself and on the baby. Take the baby’s hand and have her/him touch the eyes, nose and mouth of the doll you, and her/himself. See the nose on the baby doll? Here is my nose and here is your nose.

  • You should see the baby’s curiosity increase. Slowly, the baby will be able to memorize and identify these different words and relate them to her/his body parts.

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